Rare trade figure depicting Jim Crow caricature. American, early to mid 19th century. Carved wood with historic painted surface. Thomas Dartmouth Rice, an actor born in New York, is considered the ÒFather of Minstrelsy". After reportedly traveling to the South and observing slaves, Rice developed a Black stage character called "Jim Crow" in 1830. With quick dance moves, an exaggerated African American vernacular, and buffoonish behavior, Rice founded a new genre of racialized song and danceÑblackface minstrel shows. Condition: Imperfections and historic over-paint, imperfections as visible in images. H 37-3/8" W 18-1/2" D 14-3/8". Copy and paste link for high-res images: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/u3n7tllrb7w45hy3b64j4/h?dl=0&rlkey=u2matsktzlaqjds8snhb3j9ar