Leica DBP Ernst Leitz GMBH Wetzler Germany M3-854612 camera body with lens "Summarit f-5cm 1;15 Nr. 1430446" Additional Lens: 1) Leica lens Summaron f=3.5cm 1;2;5 Nr. 15636998 Ernst Leitz GmbH Wetzler 2) Canon 135mm 1:3.5 No. 102560 Misc. attachments include: leica meter MC, Weston light meter in case, E.Leitz Wetzlar view finder attachment, Vivitar polarizing filter, Vivitar Haze UV filter Ser. VI, Ernst Leitz GmbH Wetzler light attachment , qty 2 lens caps, Tiffin #611 adapter ring series #6 Ednalite, gold heritage coated solid opitcal glass filter, Ernst Leita 135mm adaptercable, retrating brush, Leica M-3 plugand Canon 50mm lens extender, two leather Leica camera cases. Leica Lens, Ernst Leitz GmbH Wetzlar Elmar f=9cm 1:4 Nr. 1461922 in plastic case. Condition: Cover of case is cracked Leica lens Summilux 1:1.4/35 Ernst Leitz Canada Ltd. Midland Ontario. No. 2167656. comes with viewfinder attachment and lens attachment. Please refer to images to check/confirm contents of lot and serial numbers.