Title page: Biblia das ift Selilige Schrifft Alfen und Neuen Testaments...Ben und in Berlag Emanuel Zhurnrnfen, 1767, printed in black and red ink. Five brass bosses at each spine end front and back, (one center boss lost on reverse of binding. H 15-1/4" W10" D4-1/2" . Condition: Spine exposed due to loss of leather. Missing leather, metal clasp hooks. Paste paper inside, some pencil marks on second bank page. Some pages reinforced with like paper, staining and some ruffled, crinkled pages Five brass bosses at each spine end front and back, (one center boss lost on reverse of binding. Collection of David Good. Copy and paste this link for high-res images: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/w1evbads45yr1jk/AAC-_4xIl4s0MloAippyacn4a?dl=0